If its not in stock with us or a supplier, it is not listed. We only list items in stock in our warehouse or in stock with one of our many suppliers. Most vinyl is manufactured overseas and may need to be ordered in. We list thousands of items and not all items on our site can be in stock with us at any one time. Before you place your order please check Availability for each item - found under the price on the products main view. Not all items on our website are in stock. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING IMPORTANT INFORMATION In the case of coloured vinyl, we understand some collectors are after a particular variant of coloured, transparent or marbled vinyl, however in most cases these varieties are released in limited quantities for the first pressing - then revert to regular black vinyl without notice from the distributor.

However, product detail may change from time to time and there may be a delay in making updates. aims to provide up to date images of the products and accurate information. Please note the Stock Availability for this product, just near the price of this item. Vinyl is primarily manufactured overseas. Titles not in stock will need to be imported from our suppliers or distributors. Please note: all titles on are either in stock with us or one of our suppliers. We may send items separately if you order multiple items and not all of your items are in stock. Released through IMPORT and available on LP.