Working Designs also added unique artwork to each of the CDs. For example, the knights frequently make pop culture references. The company is well known for inserting a localized sense of humor into the titles they translate. Other tunes were created specifically for this game.This Sega title was translated and published by Working Designs. Some songs, such as the opening song, are directly from the television show. The music in this title is sure to please. The game also features no instances of slowdown or lag, even when multiple characters are on the screen at one time. The voice-over actors are all trained professionals, with some voices coming straight from the anime series. The title also takes advantage of the processing power of the Saturn by having voice-overs. Likewise, this RPG features gigantic bosses. While this video game may look like the classics of old, it features screen-filling special effects. This feature comes in handy when attempting to complete some of the game's devious puzzles.“Magic Knight Rayearth” uses a retro graphic style that has a few modern touches thanks to the Sega Saturn. Each of your knights also has the ability to jump.
Upgrade your maximum health and magic by thoroughly exploring each area for stat-boosting items. Upgrades and spells are acquired by reaching certain progress points in the game, and weapons and armor are upgraded when leveling up. Another character, Hikaru, has a sword that is ideal for dealing out lots of damage to nearby enemies quickly. For example, Fuu has a bow that is perfect for picking off enemies at long range. You can switch between them as needed to make use of their individual abilities and weapons. While the two characters you are not using remain on the screen, they cannot take damage. However, you only play as one character at a time. It had an original release date of November 30th, 1998 in the United States.Gameplay in “Magic Knight Rayearth” is similar to other action RPG titles like “Zelda.” Players are accompanied by all three characters throughout the game. This game has the honor of being the last title released for the Sega Saturn. “Magic Knight Rayearth” provides most gamers between 20 and 25 hours of fun before they complete it.

The girls are tasked with rescuing Princess Emerald from high priest Zagat and ridding the land of evil. There, they become the world's prophesied warriors. Three eighth-grade girls are transported to the magical world of Cephiro. The plot is similar to the first arc of the anime and the manga of the same name.
“Magic Knight Rayearth” is a role-playing game based on the Clamp anime series of the same title.